frequently asked Questions

Bloom&Cie products

Why do we love Bloom&Cie?

  • We use natural and quality ingredients.

  • We have real know-how in chocolate, pastry and confectionery.

  • Our products are made “by hand” in small quantities at a time, in an artisanal manner.

  • Our products are unique on the market and have an incomparable taste.

  • Our products can be easily and discreetly taken anywhere thanks to their resealable packaging.

Does the CBD present in the product change the taste?

No, CBD does not change the taste of our products in any way. There is no grassy taste or unpleasant texture in the mouth.

What is the expiration date of Bloom&Cie products?

On each product, a label informs you of the shelf life to guarantee the best preservation of the flavors of our delicacies.

How much CBD is in each treat?

The quantity of CBD present per unit portion and per package is always specified on each package as well as on www.bloom-et-cie.com on the product page in question.

Are there any side effects if I eat the whole packet at once?

Do not panic! If out of great indulgence, you eat an entire packet of Bloom&Cie sweets, the side effects could be:

  • too high a sugar level in the blood

  • a feeling of having eaten too much

  • a possible chocolate overdose

  • possible drowsiness and fatigue in the hours following digestion.

Orders & Deliveries

How long does it take for my order to be shipped?

Once the order is validated, it will be shipped within the next 48 hours.

What are the delivery times ?

Delivery times in mainland France are 3 working days depending on the post office.

When will I receive my tracking number?

As soon as we have shipped your order, we will send you an email containing your tracking number.

Do you do Click&Collect?

If you live in Nice or the surrounding area and would like to collect your order in person, this is possible. We can arrange a meeting date together and give you our address in Nice city center.

What payment methods are available?

We offer payment by Paypal or credit card.

How are the products packaged?

Orders are prepared in compliance with health rules due to Covid-19.

Each order is processed with care and the products are carefully packaged to guarantee their perfect condition until receipt.

What are the shipping costs ?

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of your order.

- Less than 250g (e.g. a chocolate bar): €3.95
- Between 250g and 320g (e.g. two chocolate bars): €5.90
- Up to 500g: €6.50

For all baskets over €50, Bloom&Cie offers delivery for all orders in Metropolitan France!

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we can deliver to you anywhere in the world.

For all questions relating to CBD:

Go to the section dedicated to the subject “What is CBD?”